Thursday, December 9, 2010

December Daily: Days 7,8 & 9

December 7th

It's been so cold here the last couple days that we have had to bundle Siena up to go outside. I call her my marshmallow girl in her jacket. I feel so bad for her when she is in it but it's so funny at the same time - she can't move. She just sits there with her arms out and her top half of her body completely still.

December 8th

I do not have a photo for today so I took my lead from Ali Edwards' loving post.

Loving how long and light Siena's hair is getting and how it tends to do whatever it wants.

Loving spending the extra time with Siena from working only part time.

Loving the combination of the white lights and blue lights on my Christmas tree (well only the bottom third, but I plan to rectify this for next year.

Loving to watch Siena as she touches, pushes and explores items with her fingers.

Loving how Siena pretends to share her food with Sugar Ray and how gentle he normal is with her.

Loving how Siena mimics - clapping, rubbing hands together, waving, pounding on items and pointing.

December 9th

Siena decided this morning that she did not like how I had stung the blue lights on the christmas tree and moved them all around on the branches until she got them just right.

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